Sunday, January 13, 2008

Little Pods has come to blogspot.

This is my blog for my Etsy Site here you can find links to my favorite etsyians, thoughts on advertisting, as well as tips and secrets I've found out, pictures of my work and the ramblings of a Mom trying to make it in the clothing industry.

Right now I am working on some Applique Onesies, with rhinestone embellishments. These are fun things to make, simply because I love shopping for new ideas. Appliques are easy to adhere to fabric and simply adorable. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and themes and are great for both infants and toddlers of either sex.

I am also working on a handpainted onesie I call "Looking In" which has a handpainted goldfish bowl housing two goldfish who like to get into all sorts of trouble. Look for that soon at my etsy site,


LoveMeKnot Creations said...

welcome! cute onesies you got there!

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

have fun blogging

Ribbon Wand Maker said...

Welcome! Looks good!

LoveMeKnot Creations said...

I tried forever to find your blog again so I can link it on mine too! For some reason when I clicked on your name it says your profile is not public, therefore people can't click to your blog if they are trying to respond back from comments you left them...
i hope this makes sense lol :) But I'm glad I found you and will link you now!